As omnichannel commerce continues to grow and evolve, one item has never been more true: the buyer is in control of their shopping journey.
To convert more shoppers into buyers, quality product content is a given. Getting there, however, is rarely a straight line. Every single component on an e-commerce product detail page (PDP) requires multiple steps, teams, approvals and much more.

When product content is orchestrated comprehensively, a brand ensures that every step of its product content journey is efficient, accurate and relevant; resulting in e-commerce PDPs that are primed for conversion.
What Makes for a High-Quality PDP?
In addition to price, when consumers arrive at a product detail page, product descriptions, imagery and reviews overwhelmingly play the biggest roles in encouraging users to engage and ultimately convert.

More than 1 out of every 2 shoppers reported that poor quality (or lack of) product descriptions is reason enough to leave a PDP.
of shoppers state that product image quality & quantity positively impact their purchasing decisions.