Purchase Influences
Price is often the leading driver for purchase decisions. This page explores what else consumers consider when shopping.
In online shopping, quality content surpasses brand familiarity in importance.
Asked to rank the most important purchase factors aside from price, shoppers say quality of product information and content provided on product detail page influences purchase decision most. (See Figure 5 Below) This surpassed brand familiarity (2nd) and user generated content like ratings and reviews (3rd). Among age groups 18-35, influencer recommendations ranked very highly. Consumers 25-34 ranked influencer recommendations as the most impactful factor aside from price.

Quality product content remains key to turning browsers into buyers.
of shoppers often decide not to buy a product due to poor quality product content or a lack of product content when shopping online.
When shopping online, aside from price, what influences your purchasing decisions most? Please rank the following from 1-6, with 1 being the highest influence.


The results in Figure 5 establish the threefold impact of product content on the purchase decision: Discovery, Alignment and Validation.
From search engine optimization tactics to attention grabbing imagery, product content enables how shoppers Discover products. Once hooked, the product content displayed on the package and online helps consumers align their needs and interests to the brand. And finally, user generated content like ratings and reviews, validates a shopper's decision to click "buy." Read on to explore each stage.